- I have been watching a lot of Sex & the City lately.(Yes....I am old enough to watch it AND understand it....) So much so that I actually got a little bored while watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S!!Gosh....I need to stop watching it!Not only I am addicted, I got my roommates addicted to it too!
- I love their shoe-craze. I think I am developing one myself :)
- I love their friendship.
- I am thinking of boycotting Valentine's Day from my life. No heart-break stories here people. The peer pressure is too much to take, and besides the response - "I have boycotted this useless day!!" sounds much more elegant than "ummm....uhuhuh....nuthing much" when people go like - "Soo-o what are your plans for the big day??"
- I am loving my single life right now. For the first time in my life, I don't feel bad about not having that someone special!Its great!!
- I have many questions in my mind about relationships, friendships. I think I keep getting more and more confused as I grow up. What's wrong with me? Am I growing backwards??[No Pun Intended :| ]
In Twos
6 hours ago
I didn't know US would change you so much in only a few months. I am disappointed to say the least :| :P
Why disappointed?!!
I don't see any reason why you should be disappointed?!!
Like I see it, I am finally moving on from being a naive person to a more worldly person..which is good for me!isn't it?
Must say, have been through that phase... Single, don't want to mingle, and having a blast! Actually living it right now too...
And, it's not reverse growth. R u living away n alone for the first time? If yes, then you're not getting confused, your just getting some hands-on experience with 'life'.
@GND - Actually I am NOT living alone & away for the first time..have been away for 6 years now!And yet....the more I see, the more confused I get!Or maybe I don't want to accept what I see...
Apparently you've already got a hang of this thing called life...Thats pretty soon tho..now wat will u do the rest of ur life ;P
hey as usual..i loved this article..u r tempting me to try out Sex and The City..coz i am old enough too..n confused as hell!! even while living here..so any ways..keep up the good work!
@mansi - Hey dear...thankx!And yea do watch it....its worth it!It reminds me of the four of us in junior college!!and when u see it you'll know why:)
And all the best to both of us for our confused state of mind :P
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