Thursday, February 12, 2009


...have been made on me, by people who barely know me, and they have not hesitated to point them out openly. And obviously, they were not pleasant. As much as I try, I can't shrug it off. I am feeling bad. Maybe the reason is that, I never show my judgments to anybody. And I let people walk over me a little. Will try and stop doing that. Just for the record, to all those who judged me w/o knowing me, or without thinking how I would feel, f**k you, and may you rot in hell!!
I feel a lil better already...phew :)


Avanti Sané said...

aww...its ok...we all have been through that sometime ..

Shruti said...

I know...but its just so stupid, to have people who barely know, pass judgments as if they've known you their entire lives!!
Morons!! :D

Anonymous said...

You are making too much out of this. Or you need to elaborate your case with specific example. Anyway, don't bother so much about others.

Now you can say that even I am judging you without even knowing you (reading a 4-5 posts does not mean knowing you).

By the way, Hi! I am Nachiket's friend (Confessions...of a complex mind). Currently in Cleveland, OH.

Pari said...

Dear Dear Shruti,
Welcome to the world of taking it all out on our dear dummy blog!! There would be many such things you would wanna do on this page and trust me it would b an awesome time :)

Till then,
Happy writing...

PS: Walking over...a complete NO !

Shruti said...

@Kunjan - Hi...And yes, you are judging me :)
But its okay..cos I did too, after reading your comment :P

@Pari - Thanks for the support girl..