There are so many people who blog. I know a fraction, a very small fraction of them. Reading their posts I feel happy, sad, confused along with them. Sometimes reading their posts makes me laugh, and sometimes it makes me think... think really hard. And sometimes reading their posts makes me feel sad...and as much hard as it is to admit, sad for myself. I don't know if its right, wrong, selfish. But there it is. Is it wrong to wish for something that you don't have? Is it wrong to wish for something that you've always wanted? Is this wrong?
I don't have an answer to that. Mind you not for one moment am I thinking I'm unfortunate, because I'm not. I know I am very very lucky in most ways. Probably luckier than most people are in this world. And I thank God for that everyday! And yet sometimes, there's sadness, loneliness in me. A void, a gap, an unfulfilled wish. It's not about what I have or what I don't. It's about what I feel. And even I don't know what I am missing...
Do you feel this too?
In Twos
6 hours ago
Yes...very true...the same feeling of emptyiness keeps on coming always...even when you have achieved some of your far-fetched goal...still, somewhere, you feel...some void space in your heart or mind...Cant express exactly how one feels when this feeling arises...but, you still feel that something is still missing...may be by sharing with others what you feel, you can fill up the void space...
Hmmm, well, frankly, I DO get similar feelings, how much ever i'd like to supress them, or revile myself for feeling so...
Why this happens to me, is that when I read about others, I feel good for their accomplishments, but at the same time, reflect on my inadequacies in that deparment. And for a guy who wants to be the best at everything(And I'm not sure that is a good thing), it really sorta makes me feel bad.
This is my reason, I'm not sure if this applies to u too... But answering your question, it is NOT bad to wish for it all... there frankly is no point! Cause you CANNOT have it all, and SHOULD not, cause having one good thing, might imply the loss of another good quality. Mutual exclusivity applies... It's best to dwell on your success and achievements and the good things you have at such times...
N well, if you succeed in doing that, let me know how...
(apologies if that sounded too rambling or off the mark, but what you said, sort of struck a chord... these are my thoughts in words)
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