You left without a second glance
It all happened as if in a trance
I don't want to be trapped in an emotion
Pull me out, I am sinking into oblivion
In Twos
6 hours ago
"They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." - To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
They who left without a second glance,
Don't really deserve a second chance,
To pull you out from that daze,
after putting you there in the first place...
And to come out of that oblivion, that emotion...
don't search far, look inside the Enigmatic Illusion...
Looking inside me confuses me more,
Maybe its an illusion, a nasty lil sore
I believe in good and its amazing power
Sinking into oblivion will take me to a new shore
Eeeeps....Excuse my lame attempt..I cant write poetry to save my life!! :D
But what the hell..I try!! ;)
Introspection can be tough,
a mindboggling realization,
or a painful trough...
What is important is you try,
cause "the sole intention is just learning to fly",
Your positive outlook amazes me,
and I'm sure that shore awaits you,
and this is something I believe in,
Happy see, Happy do...
Excuse this, but just couldn't resist the temptation to reply likewise :)
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