Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hit or miss (in other words, pretty random)

I have been going to Zumba class regularly for about 7 weeks now. The class is every Tuesday, so technically I have done it only 7 times so far. But I still give me credit, cos doing something consistently for 7 weeks is unheard of in my case, especially if it involves anything that requires moving your body just for the sake of it (or moving your body, period). didn't know I am a sloth? Well, now you do. Yesterday in the class while moving and shaking my bootay, I figured out why I like Zumba so much. I am a hard-core desi, down to the detail of loving Bollywood. I realized just like the movies, I too need the singing and dancing in my life.
It was funnier in my head, I promise.

When I first came to US, I used to live on Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. And then as always, I ate them so much and for so long I got sick of them. Yesterday, I had them after almost 3 years. Ever since, I cannot stop dreaming about when I will eat them next. I diagnose a "mild" case of OCD and I want to prescribe some Frosted Flakes to me.

What's the news at your end?

PS: I got a whopping 103 votes for my apartment!!! It's unbelievable. One hundred AND three. I am really overwhelmed by the number of people who took time to register and vote. It's amazing and if I could, I would thank each and everyone personally. Thank you guys!


Pari said...

hey hey..welcome back! Good to see you again on the grind!

Shruti said...

Hey Pari! Thank you :)