Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Have you ever noticed...

...that Shammi Kapoor used to act like he has to pee really really badly, in most of his songs....huh??I believe he was pretty popular...I wonder why?? Has nobody else noticed this?I mean even his expressions are sometimes like that, and that pose, with one leg bent, up and get the picture!

Have a wonderful Wednesday evening!


NG said... that i think about it...its seems so

for that matter... even dev anand had some erratic way...people found it appealing...i find it idiotic :)

Rambler said...

A big fan of shammi kapoor, I think his dances were more like a bug was trying to walk up his pants

Shruti said...

@Neha - yea..I always found Dev Anand funny too....but atleast he looked handsome...back in the black&white movies at least :P

@Rambler - LOL...!!!Thats so funny when you actually imagine it like that....hahhaha :D