Thursday, December 08, 2011

Breathe and re-boot

Sometimes life tends to be at a standstill. At such times, I try to keep it moving. And sometimes, it moves so fast, there's only enough time to breathe and run with it. What was I up to for so long? Just trying to breathe and run as fast as I could. And then I realized, I may never stop running long enough to write a post, or two. So here I am, running and writing and breathing and attempting to re-boot my blog.

Now that I have the philo-crapo-sophy out of my system, let's talk about what I have been up to? Lets see? Bullet points?
  • Started a new job more than a year ago, roughly around the time I took a break from writing. Blinked and realized, more than a year has gone by.
  • Got married. 
  • Almost closing in the first year of my marriage. (Side note - It's not as easy as people make it seem)
  • Took a trip to Hawaii (Highlight of my year, definitely. It really is heaven on earth. Post on that, soon)
  • Took my parents to NYC, Washington DC, Niagara Falls. (Me = Proud)
  • Took my parents-in-law to San Fran. (Love that city)
  • I grew up. No really. I did. How you ask? (Ok nobody really did, but I will tell you anyway) - I manage a household by myself now (with help from M). And no, it's not always smooth sailing. I "decorate" and do "nesting" stuff, like clean, re-arrange furniture, hang wall art etc. I have started to learn to try to manage my money. 
Of course, there are so many details that I am leaving out, so as to not bore any of my fans out there. I know you guys have been holding thy breath everyday! You can relax now, this blog will probably survive. I hope. (Who am I kidding? IS ANYONE STILL HERE?? *holds her breath, and waits for a comment*)

And here's a picture from Hawaii. To make this post interesting.


rani said...

I was so happy to see this post pop up on my reader, you can't even imagine! :)
Glad to have you back! Don't you disappear again ;)

Shruti said...

Rani - Thank you! I was glad to be back too...Finally, my days don't seem to blend from one into the other into the next one... :)