Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No Title

I am sorry people, I cannot think of anything to write here. My thoughts are pre-occupied by a mouse. A pest *says with great disgust* that has plagued my thoughts. Yesterday morning, I was making coffee in the kitchen when it ran OVER my feet. YUCK. DISGUSTING. I went to get mouse traps the same evening while coming back from work. It has not been caught yet.

I am going to be wearing boots around the home till it gets caught.

PS: Sorry to have ruined your day with the disgusting image. I am so disgusted, I want to run away!


Pepper said...

LOL! Been there. Experienced that. I hear you sis.

Shruti said...

Pepper - LOL! Your post is funny...

Yea, I pretty much did the same (screaming), except I also cried cos I was too scared *hangs head in shame and embarrassment*. I am super scared of insects, lizards, rodents etc. basically anything that is small enough to run away and hide in my home.